Julia is a tenured full Professor at the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. She was a senior advisor in the Office of the Federal CIO at the White House, supporting the implementation of the Federal Data Strategy. She recently served on the Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building and the National AI Research Resources Task Force and currently serves on the Secretary of Labor’s Workforce Innovation Advisory Committee and the National Science Foundation’s Advisory Committee on Cyberinfrastructure
Julia is an elected fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the International Statistical Institute and the American Statistical Association. She is the recipient of the 2004 Vladimir Chavrid award from the National Association of State Workforce Agencies as well the 2014 Julius Shiskin award and the 2014 Roger Herriot award from the American Statistical Association and the 2019 LEHD Founders award from the Census Bureau for establishing the LEHD program. She is also the recipient of the 2017 Warren E. Miller Award and the 2019 Distinguished Fellow award from the New Zealand Association of Economists.
Julia has initiated and founded or co-founded a number of public data infrastructures, including the Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics program, the USPTO’s Patentsview, STAR METRICS/UMETRICS at the Institute for Research on Innovation and Science at the University of Michigan, and Statistics New Zealand’s Integrated Data Infrastructure. She also has created data access infrastructures: the remote data access enclave at NORC at the University of Chicago, the Administrative Data Research Facility at NYU and then the Coleridge Initiative. She developed the Applied Data Analytics training program at the Coleridge Initiative and the Executive Certificate in Data Literacy and Evidence Building at NYU and the University of Maryland. She is currently working with a number of scientific and statistical agencies on the Democratizing Data project; an example of the work is here. She has authored over 80 scientific publications, edited or coauthored 13 books, and received over $180 million in grants and contracts from national and international agencies and foundations.
She holds a PhD in Economics and an MA in Statistics.

The Industry of Ideas: Measuring How Artificial Intelligence Changes Labor Markets
By Julia Lane | American Enterprise Institute | June 09, 2023
- Federal investments in new and emerging technologies—such as in artificial intelligence—have transformed the labor market. New “idea industries” that don’t fit neatly into traditional measures of industries and scientific fields have emerged.
- This report describes a new, rapidly implementable, conceptual, and empirical approach to tracing how ideas move from investments in research to the marketplace and developing early warning indicators of potential workforce and education impacts.
- This report proposes a new evidence-based foundation to support US national growth strategies and ensure investments have the greatest chance of success for workers and employers.
Upcoming and Recent Highlights
- 9th annual Government of Canada Data Conference, February 2025
- Oct 21, 2024 Keynote Speech: European Open Science Cloud Conference, Berlin Germany
— - The Cusp Podcast – 9/10/24
“Measuring AI’s Impacts with Julia Lane, NYU Economist and Expert on Public Data”
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cusp-with-paul- fain/id1740813547?i= 100066899344
https://open.spotify.com/episode/ 73BaA7MEB1BNpBxj6JUR9p?si= 3ioRsQVqQYitImPj9vvbxA - “How to track the economic impact of public investments in AI” with Jason Owen-Smith & Bruce A. Weinberg, Nature, June 10, 2024
Grants and Contracts
- National Science Foundation “Industries of Ideas” (joint with University of Michigan, Ohio State University and Social Science Research Council) 2023-2025 $4.5 million
- U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics) “Democratization of Data Analysis”, $1.13 million
- National Science Foundation, National Network for Critical Technology Investment, 2022-23, (Carnegie Mellon prime), $150,000
- Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Data as a Public Good, $1 million, 2021-2022
- Ascendium Educational Foundation “Building Educational Data Infrastructure” $500,000, 2020-2021
See More…
Non Academic
- Department of Health and Human Services (with MDRC) Transformative Data Initiative $2.8 million 2019
- Department of Health and Human Services (with MDRC) Transformative Data Initiative $11 million 2018 (sub $660,000)
- Health Investments Observatory (HELIOS), Institut National du Cancer, $75,000
- Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund, World Bank (with Marjorie Chinen), $750,000
- Research R&D platform, Army Research Lab2012-2013 $250,000
See More…
Other Grants
Rockefeller/Sage Foundation, 1997/9; World Bank Research Grant, 1996/7; 1998/9 Bureau of Labor Statistics 1997; Bureau of the Census 1997, 1999-2001; National Science Foundation 1997, 2003; European Union 1997; Sloan Foundation, 1997, 1999-2002, 2007; National Institute on Aging, 2001-2004; Health and Human Services (ASPE) 2000-2001, 2002, 2003, 2006; (ACF) 2006; Department of Labor (ETA) 2001, 2002, 2003 (VETS) 2006. New Zealand Department of Labor, 2001, 2002; Spencer Foundation, 2006
Selected Keynote speeches
- 9th annual Government of Canada Data Conference, February 2025
- Oct 21, 2024 – Keynote Speech: European Open Science Cloud Conference, Berlin Germany
Statistics/Data Science
- Eurostat/UN confidentiality workshop in Skopje Macedonia 2001
- Conference of European Statisticians, Geneva, Switzerland, 2003
- Statistics Austria, Vienna, Austria, 2003
- Invited Overview Lecture, Joint Statistical Meetings, 2014
- Volkswagen Foundation, Herrenhausen Conference, Hannover, Germany, March 2015
- BigSurv18 Big Data and Survey Methods, Barcelona, Spain, October 2018
- International Conference on Sustainable Cities, New York, NY May 2018
- Open Data Science Conference West, San Francisco, 2018
- AWS: Reinvent, Las Vegas, 2018
- Scientific Literature Knowledge Bases, Amherst, May 2019
- Australian Social Policy Conference, Sydney, September 2019
- Simons Institute, UC Berkeley, May 2019
- Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, 50th Anniversary, November 2019
- Data Quality as a Challenge: Research in the Age of the Digital Turn, Hannover Germany, February 2020
- AI/Data Science Conference, NYC March 2020
- Open Data Science Conference East 2020, April 2020 Boston
- World Data Forum, Bern Switzerland, October 2021
- Second Conference of the European Association for the Digital Humanities, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, September 2021
- Keynote Sex and gender aspects in precision medicine, Kiel Germany November 8
- Presentation Open Science Retreat Day Leibniz Information Centre for Economics November 13
- Birds of a Feather = session on National AI Research Resource – 2023 Supercomputer conference November 15 https://sc23.supercomputing.org/
- Research Conference Employment and Labour Markets, Oslo, Norway, 2001
- New Zealand Association of Economists, Wellington, New Zealand 2002
- European Union Conference on Low Wage Work, Sandbjerg Denmark, April 2006
- CEO’s for Cities, Chicago, September 2007
- Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data, Budapest, Hungary, May 2008
- Work, Pensions and Labour Economics Group (WPEG) annual conference, Sheffield, UK, July 2008
- Conference on Linked Employer-Employee Data, Budapest, Hungary, May 2009
- Inaugural Distinguished Lecture, RatsWD, Berlin Germany, September 2010.
- Australasian Economic/Econometric Society meetings, Tasmania, Australia, July 2014
- Qatar Research Foundation, Doha Qatar, 2016
- Government Economics Network, Wellington New Zealand, 2016
- Association of Public Opinion Researchers, Denver Colorado, 2018
- New Zealand Association of Economists, Auckland New Zealand 2018
- 8th ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting, Mannheim, 2019
Recent Science of Science Policy
- Federal Demonstration Partnership, 2009, 2010, 2011
- National Council of Research Administrators 2010
- European Forum On Research And Development Impact, 2009
- NIRPA, 2010
- European Parliament, 2010
- UNCTAD, 2011
- European Forum, Alpbach, Austria 2011
- Higher Education Policy Institute, Royal Society, UK, 2011
- Measuring Science Investments, Tokyo, 2012
- Measuring Science Investments, Canberra and Melbourne, 2012
- Research Excellence, EU Danish Presidency, Copenhagen 2012
- OECD, Global Science Forum 20th anniversary, Paris, 2012
- Science of Science and Innovation Policy Principal Investigator Conference, 2012
- New Zealand IceFest, Christchurch, 2012
- The Future of Research Impact, London School of Economics, 2012
- STOA, European Parliament, Strasbourg, 2013
- Science Metrics workshop, European Parliament, Brussels, 2013
- The Future of Impact, DESCRIBE project, London, 2013
- OECD Global Forum of the Knowledge Economy 2013 Istanbul
- SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, 2013, Sao Paolo, Brazil
- Centre Cournot, 2014, Paris
- euroCRIS conference, 2014, Amsterdam
- Third IMF Statistical Forum, 2015, Frankfurt
- 7th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference, 2016, in Fukuoka, Japan
- Government Economists Network, 2016, Wellington New Zealand
- HHS/OHRP Research Community Forum, 2017 New Jersey
- Federal Statistical Research Data Center conference, 2017, UCLA
- Society of Research Administrators International 50th annual meeting, 2017, in Vancouver, British Columbia
Selected Professional Service
Statistics/Data Science
- Eurostat/UN confidentiality workshop in Skopje Macedonia 2001
- Conference of European Statisticians, Geneva, Switzerland, 2003
- Statistics Austria, Vienna, Austria, 2003
- Invited Overview Lecture, Joint Statistical Meetings, 2014
- Volkswagen Foundation, Herrenhausen Conference, Hannover, Germany, March 2015
- BigSurv18 Big Data and Survey Methods, Barcelona, Spain, October 2018
- International Conference on Sustainable Cities, New York, NY May 2018
- Open Data Science Conference West, San Francisco, 2018
- AWS: Reinvent, Las Vegas, 2018
- Scientific Literature Knowledge Bases, Amherst, May 2019
- Australian Social Policy Conference, Sydney, September 2019
- Simons Institute, UC Berkeley, May 2019
- Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, 50th Anniversary, November 2019
- Data Quality as a Challenge: Research in the Age of the Digital Turn, Hannover Germany, February 2020
- AI/Data Science Conference, NYC March 2020
- Open Data Science Conference East 2020, April 2020 Boston
- World Data Forum, Bern Switzerland, October 2021
- Second Conference of the European Association for the Digital Humanities, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, September 2021
- Research Conference Employment and Labour Markets, Oslo, Norway, 2001
- New Zealand Association of Economists, Wellington, New Zealand 2002
- European Union Conference on Low Wage Work, Sandbjerg Denmark, April 2006
- CEO’s for Cities, Chicago, September 2007
- Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data, Budapest, Hungary, May 2008
- Work, Pensions and Labour Economics Group (WPEG) annual conference, Sheffield, UK, July 2008
- Conference on Linked Employer-Employee Data, Budapest, Hungary, May 2009
- Inaugural Distinguished Lecture, RatsWD, Berlin Germany, September 2010.
- Australasian Economic/Econometric Society meetings, Tasmania, Australia, July 2014
- Qatar Research Foundation, Doha Qatar, 2016
- Government Economics Network, Wellington New Zealand, 2016
- Association of Public Opinion Researchers, Denver Colorado, 2018
- New Zealand Association of Economists, Auckland New Zealand 2018
- 8th ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting, Mannheim, 2019
Recent Science of Science Policy
- Federal Demonstration Partnership, 2009, 2010, 2011
- National Council of Research Administrators 2010
- European Forum On Research And Development Impact, 2009
- NIRPA, 2010
- European Parliament, 2010
- UNCTAD, 2011
- European Forum, Alpbach, Austria 2011
- Higher Education Policy Institute, Royal Society, UK, 2011
- Measuring Science Investments, Tokyo, 2012
- Measuring Science Investments, Canberra and Melbourne, 2012
- Research Excellence, EU Danish Presidency, Copenhagen 2012
- OECD, Global Science Forum 20th anniversary, Paris, 2012
- Science of Science and Innovation Policy Principal Investigator Conference, 2012
- New Zealand IceFest, Christchurch, 2012
- The Future of Research Impact, London School of Economics, 2012
- STOA, European Parliament, Strasbourg, 2013
- Science Metrics workshop, European Parliament, Brussels, 2013
- The Future of Impact, DESCRIBE project, London, 2013
- OECD Global Forum of the Knowledge Economy 2013 Istanbul
- SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, 2013, Sao Paolo, Brazil
- Centre Cournot, 2014, Paris
- euroCRIS conference, 2014, Amsterdam
- Third IMF Statistical Forum, 2015, Frankfurt
- 7th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference, 2016, in Fukuoka, Japan
- Government Economists Network, 2016, Wellington New Zealand
- HHS/OHRP Research Community Forum, 2017 New Jersey
- Federal Statistical Research Data Center conference, 2017, UCLA
- Society of Research Administrators International 50th annual meeting, 2017, in Vancouver, British Columbia
Selected Media and Legislative Highlights
- World Economic Forum “Industries of Ideas” Trustworthy Tech Dialogues
- MIT Press Reader “America’s Workforce Desperately needs a Data Overhaul”
- The Cusp Podcast – 9/10/24
“Measuring AI’s Impacts with Julia Lane, NYU Economist and Expert on Public Data”
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cusp-with-paul- fain/id1740813547?i= 100066899344
https://open.spotify.com/episode/ 73BaA7MEB1BNpBxj6JUR9p?si= 3ioRsQVqQYitImPj9vvbxA - https://finance.yahoo.com/video/study-reveals-impact-cutting-bonus-181342669.html
- https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-how-much-a-reduction-in-extra-unemployment-benefits-could-slash-consumer-spending-2020-08-11?mod=elisabeth-buchwald
- https://money.yahoo.com/coronavirus-stimulus-loss-of-extra-600-unemployment-benefits-leads-to-44-drop-in-spending-192200590.html
- “Europe bets R&D spending will bring jobs to battered economy”
- https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/06/europe-bets-rd-spending-will-bring-jobs-battered-economy Science, June 3 2020See More…
- Economic Principles “A Few Words about the Vladimir Chavrid Award“